The Finksburg News

         Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. Newsletter


To Promote A Finksburg Community,

Whose Objective Is To Preserve The Fundamental Quality Of Life Where Farms, Families And Businesses

 May Coexist In A Manner Beneficial To All


FPAC Picnic Set For July 24th!!!!



The Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. is holding it’s annual picnic Thursday, July 24th at 6 p.m.


Who:  All residents of Finksburg and its environs are invited

What: To attend the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc.'s annual picnic

When: Thursday, July 24th at 6 p.m.

Where: Sandymount Park recreation area

Please bring a side dish!!!!!


Picnic Time:

The annual Finksburg picnic is  July 24th and it will be in place of the general membership meeting this month.  The annual event is a great way to meet your neighbors and eat some great food and have fabulous drinks.  The picnic will be held at Sandymount Recreation area.  Those attending are asked to bring a side dish.  Thanks!


Big News: 


The Carroll County Commissioners are considering an amendment to the zoning ordinance regarding outdoor advertising signs, or billboards. There are a number of restrictions being considered in the zoning ordinance.  They include a maximum height of ten feet, a maximum sign area of 32 square feet, maximum setback of ten feet, a minimum of 300 feet from an intersection on Maryland Routes 26, 30, 140, and 97 from 26 and 140, and 100 feet from any other intersection.  A public hearing is scheduled for August 5th at 7 p.m. in room 003 of the County office building.   We urge everyone to put it on your calendar.




Clean It Up:

The next roadside trash pickup along Route 91 is set for Saturday, July 26th.  Please try to attend.  We will meet at 8 a.m. in the Roy Rogers parking lot at Finksburg Plaza. The county is donating water bottles and garbage bags. 


 Vogt's update: 

The sale of Vogt’s Auto Recyclers to Copart, Inc. is expected to become official this month.  The county granted approval last month for Copart to change the use of the Vogt’s property.  Copart will begin operating a full vehicle salvage business on the site on Old Westminster Pike



Finksburg Library:

If you've driven by Vogt's Auto Salvage recently you've probably noticed the sign about making the library happen.  We too would like to make it happen.  As far as we know the sale of Vogt's to Copart Auto Auction has not yet settled. Thus, the fate of any land to be donated to Carroll County for a Finksburg library is uncertain.  A note to Vogt's or Copart Auto Auction, 4665 Business Center Drive, Fairfield, CA 94534 might be helpful.  If you know of any other viable parcels of land in Finksburg, of approximately 5 acres, that may be available for a library site drop us a note.


Mudgett’s Proposal:

There will be a Board of Zoning Appeals hearing on July 29th at 11:00 AM, County Office Building, regarding Mudgett’s request for a conditional use for a planned business center.  This center is located along Route 140 and Dede Road, in front of Mudgett’s Auto Body and next to the post office building.


Water pollution Update:

As of 6/26/03, three monitoring wells have been installed at the Jiffy Mart.  No contamination was found when drilling the wells. No results have come back yet from sampling.  Of the last properties retested for detection of MtBE, most remained the same except one which went from 7 parts per billion to 144 parts per billion.  Several properties on Appaloosa Way were tested with no detection of MtBEJack Tevis, owner of the Jiffy Mart, has agreed to put carbon filters in two more houses (Keffer and Grantich).


Growth Task Force:

FPAC Inc., Vice President John Lopez is a member of the county’s Growth Task Force.  The panel met July 9th to discuss:


·         There is a recommendation that will be made to count developments not covered by concurrency management (i.e.; off-conveyances, minors, pre-existing, singles).

·         Reviewed adequacy standards from Hampstead & Manchester. Will review the other municipalities as well.

·         Discussion started on adequacy testing (i.e.; roads, schools, water sewers, emergency services)

·         Committee reports have been received from education & public works (roads, water/sewer) sub-committees. Still need emergency services sub-committee report.

·         Next meeting will be Wed. 8/20/03 at 1:30pm room 300A County Office Bldg.

·         Growth Task Force web site:




Liberty Watershed:

Board member Martin Schmidt has attended several Liberty Reservoir Watershed meetings and says the Liberty Reservoir Watershed Characterization Study, published in September 2002 is now available at: <>.

The entire report is large, so a fast Internet connection is recommended, and it may be more reliable to download it in parts (this option is available on the
web site) instead of the entire document at once.


Gateway Improvements:

FPAC is committed to improving the look of the 140 corridor as motorists enter Carroll County.  As we mentioned to the County Commissioners last month, we would be willing to provide staff with examples of what other counties or towns do to make for an attractive entrance into their communities.  If you spot a sign or entranceway into another community, please get out your camera and take a picture.  We will provide the pictures to the county.  This may help with the improvements we are attempting to achieve.


Web site:

Have you been to the new Finksburg web site?  If not it's at


Board of Directors:

Debbie Ridgely- President

John Lopez- Vice President

Maureen Ackerman- Secretary

Martin Schmidt-Treasurer

Mat Tiahrt-Communications Director


Board members At-Large-

Richard Ackerman

Mike Davis

Doris Edward

Donald Hoffman


You can reach any of these board members by going to the web site.


If there is a neighbor or a business you regularly trade with, ask them if they would like the newsletter sent to them electronically.  Send us their address so they are included in future mailings.



Be informed!  Attend the Next Meeting!


FPAC Inc. Schedule


7/24- Picnic 6 p.m. Sandymount rec area

7/26-Cleanup 8 a.m. Roy Roger’s parking lot

8/6- Board meeting 7p.m.

8/28- General membership meeting; topics include water pollution update on Suffolk Road, Gerstell Academy, and new grocery store.



Save a Stamp: Receive your newsletter electronically. Send your e-mail address to Richard Ackerman at

ü     Mark Your Calendar: General Council meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month at the Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. Meetings begin at 7 PM. Board meetings are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. 



Yearly Membership Fee: $10 per Household, $25 per business

Dues: If you haven't paid your dues for 2003 please do so. The organization uses money from dues to pay for the printing and mailing costs of this newsletter and other mailings.


______ I would like to join the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. a not-for-profit organization.

_____ I would like to renew my membership. (Dues and donations not tax deductible)

______ Yes, I would also like to volunteer. (Board membership, roadside trash pickup, county meeting attendance, etc.)

______ I would like to make an additional donation of $______________ to the FPAC.




Address _____________________________________


City ___________________________      Zip__________


Phone ____________________    Work phone_____________________ 





Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc.      P O Box 70      Finksburg, Maryland      21048